
Stiller Has

Just returning from a concert of Stiller Has (Swiss German for Quiet Rabit) - good times were had! It was the first time that I've ever seen Stiller Has live on stage, and they're doing a great show, too. You have to imagine a rather potty combination of mainly American music styles (blues, country, a bit of rock, with intermittent polka), extremely bizarre texts in Swiss German (seriously, I don't want to know what they've been smoking ...) and a band which looks refreshingly unfit for the stage in all conceivable respects. And yet, they rock! Check out the sample in the sidebar!

1 comment:

Joggingfreund said...

Und nohär Znüni näh! Stöuä, stöuä, nid leggä! Thanks for the chicken, wir putzen gleich unsere Blue Tooth... guts nächtle...