
Gentlemen's Night Out

Tonight, two friends and I realised an age old project, which was to go to Stucki for a really extensive Dinner. Like last time, it was delicious and as we know, true mastership lies in continuity.

Here's a couple of pictures, made with the new rasor. The first one btw is one of Patrick Zimmermann's incredible dessert creations - almost too decorative to destroy (i.e. eat), but then it would be a sin to let it go to waste. What to do?!?

1 comment:

Joggingfreund said...

Obwohl wir hier in Sukothai extrem gutes Essen geniessen, sind wir ziemlich neidisch auf Euch... So ein Gourmet-Abend steht ja auch noch auf unserem Programm, wenn wir wieder zurueck sind und dann noch den Rest der Traveller-Checks wechseln koennen...
(to be forget until xmas... oder so)