
The Mont Pelerin Society

Darn! The NZZ publishes a large summary of the proceedings of The Mont Pelerin Society's general meeting in Salt Lake City on the same page as Ota Sik's obituary, and neither are available in the non-paid service! I suppose there is a reason for that ...

Anyway, that reminds me of the MPS general meeting I attended in Bratislava in 2001, actually on September 11th, 2001. I don't think I will ever forget that event again, for obvious reasons, especially since I was planning on flying to NYC the very next day. But despite of the overshadowing event, the meeting was fascinating and intellectually challenging. And although it took place not far from Transsylvania, there certainly weren't any vampires on display - just a bunch of very open & friendly, yet highly opinionated and pugnacious intellectuals from all over the world.

One item particularly caught my eye in the report: My then host, Victoria Curzon-Price has been elected President of the Society. Congratulations!

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