
Fair & balanced?

When I first saw Fox News on US TV, I was quite taken aback by its obvious lopsidedness and apparent lack of intelligence. At that time, I just put it down to the diversity of the US media landscape. Little did I know that it seems to have become rather the dominant force in said landscape - which is a shocking insight from highly commendable documentary Outfoxed (thanks, Jay!). But again, it's absolutely in line with the current shutdown of critical discourse in the power circles of the USA.

However, from a Macchiavellian (or Orwellian, if you prefer) point of view, it is very well orchestrated! Already the network's slogan "Real journalism - fair & balanced" is amazing: they brazenly claim balanced journalism while they totally disregard any established journalistic best practice of differentiating between fact & personal opinion without batting an eyelash! Watch Outfoxed, it's quite an eyeopener!

Incidentally, this reminds me of a whole lot of parallels with our southern neighbours. Its banana republic style prime minister has direct control over the dominant media empire in Italy, and he seems to be a good friend and staunch supporter of the US president who for his part lives in a symbiotic relationship with Berlusconi's commercial alter ego Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox. As it happens, I am very keen to hear about the outcome of Berlusconi's trial.

Fair & balanced? My backside ...

Obviously, this calls for the BOTD: "We thought we were protected forever from trade policy or terrorist attacks because oceans protected us." - Speech to business leaders at APEC Summit, Santiago, Chile, Nov. 20, 2004


Joel said...

If you enjoyed 'Outfoxed' (still waiting for that to come in the post), it's worth reading or listening to Al Franken's book 'Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right'. It's partisan yet entertaining and brimming with fact. Did you know that Fox News was reprimanded by the UK television regulator, falling within its remit since it's broadcast to the UK?

Orwellian sounds appropriate given the balance of media power held by a few individuals and corporations. Curiously, whilst Murdoch's US news channel is strongly right wing, his UK Sky News operation regularly wins awards for its coverage. Indeed, it's the channel of choice for MI5. Is Fox's agenda partly (or purely) commercially driven, or a reflection of differences in media regulation? Like everything, a bit of both I expect.

Chris said...
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Chris said...

Al Franken is featured quite prominently in the program as well, so I guess I can already see where he's coming from.

The channel of choice for MI5? What's that supposed to mean now? Security Services are not exactly best know for the prime quality of their information nowadays, are they. But are you saying that Sky is really offering a balanced view? If so, it would indeed be quite interesting to investigate Murdoch's differential motives further ...