
Vario & copioso

That was fun! Today I was in town during lunchtime, when I discovered the wine bar in Unternehmen Mitte which is a fairly trendy location that used to be a bank (what else - here's a picture dating back to 1912).
The special discovery however was not that they served lunch there, which is good & dirt cheap at CHF 15. Even more interesting was the fact that there is a science lunch, a series of lunchtime presentations on the general subject of - eating & drinking! How very appropriate!

Today's presentation was held by an art historian (Dr. Axel Gampp) on painting, eating & drinking. It helps to know that in German, das Mahl (the meal) and das Gemälde (the painting) sound very similar and related, so the speaker expanded very humourously on that topic by drawing parallels between Alberti's tenet that a painting had to be vario & copioso (diverse & plenty) and the mediaeval practice of having extremely diverse and plentiful menues, which I never really understood. Along the way, we learned a lot about humoral pathology and the different temperaments' preferred sustenance. All in very good humour.

Also, I set a book free. And since this is one of my more European posts, a BOTD is entirely inappropriate, I guess.

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