
Ocean's Dozen

How might the Merowingian from Matrix Revolutions have it? Quelle m*rde, avec des espèces de !£>*" ... this is an utterly ridiculous, badly done movie full of cliché'd fabrications suggesting European incompetence, even in matters of thievery, which the movie shamelessly glorifies!

On the other hand, I think it is a very easy going, fun piece playing on a lot of motives, clearly enamored with European style, despite of what everyone else might say. The introduction is a bit lengthy, but from there, everything accelerates constantly. Rather special camera - I have never seen a frontal final landing approach in landscape, just to give a detail. The cast is indeed legendary and must have had a lot of fun making the film - it shows.

Go see it! It's very enjoyable - as was catching up with M after far too much time. Thank you!

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