
London blogging

So you thought I wouldn't blog from London. Well, think again!

But I will definitely keep it short since I want to go out soon. Yesterday's alumni event at the House of Commons was phantastic. We had Dinner at the Churchill room and Father of the House Tam Dalyell gave us a great speech, even remembering bits of when he was in Parliament with Churchill (he's Father, after all ...) But more on that later, together with some pictures. Oh, and I forgot the even better speech given by Sir Malcom Rifkind at Birbeck College ...

Anyway, what I really wanted to do with this post is to congratulate Rosi and Christof on their grades at the Colour Design exams! What with the bet between Christof and I, it is a pity though that it wasn't quite the other way round, isn't it, Christof?! Enjoy the lots of time that you guys have at hand now. I am looking forward to your putting your newly acquired degrees to a lot of practical usage - if I can be of assistance, that much the better!

Regards from radiant (after yesterday's drizzle) London!

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