
Mixed stuff

On the way back from Sofia, I stumbled across a couple of things I'd like to share with you. First is La Claustra, probably one of the most unusual hotels you can find. It is a converted alpine fortress of the Swiss army in the Gotthard massive. And for all the money in the world, you cannot buy a room with a view ...

Secondly, I came across a report (NZZ) about a research project by Indem which has found that since 2001, the total amount of money paid by Russian businesses for corruption purposes has increased eightfold while the average payment has shot up thirteenfold! Well done, Vladimir ...

Thirdly, here (German, subscription) is a very good article by Michael Lind describing a liberal, technology-based scenario of our planet supporting 9 billion people sharing today's US average standard of living. And here (English, subscription) is the original article. It's very refreshing, not least because it breaks quite a few mantras of political correctness ...

That's it for now. More about Bulgaria later. Meanwhile, here's my updated European countries map from myworld. How embarrassing having to admit that I've never been to Wales, of all places ...

Your travel type: Travel Yup

The Travel Yup likes exotic and adventurous travel, but prefers big cities with fast paced life. He has a keen interest in other cultures and always brings home a few souvenirs.

Shopping in Bangkok, getting a tailor made suite in Kuala Lumpur, that's the kind of thing the Travel Yup is into. Even though he likes to get away, he prefers his travels to be comfortable.

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Hong Kong

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Ciudad Perdida
Darien Gap
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