
Logbuch Arlesheim

Who said there were no political blogs in Switzerland? Apparently, the well written Logbuch Arlesheim (German) is just that, and with its wicked sense of humour and critical observation, it even has an impact in the real world of the sleepy, well off Basle suburb of Arlesheim. So much so that even the Basler Zeitung notices (subscription) - wow! Too bad that it's anonymous, though ... but I suppose that that is only a question of time, because I wouldn't really be surprised if the authors ended up forming a political party. Finally, it also lacks an hides its RSS feed well!


Anonymous said...

Feed is here: http://arlesheim.twoday.net/rss

Chris said...

And how do you know, hu? Waldbruder? :-)

Seriously, this is rather well hidden ...

Anonymous said...

My autodiscovery tool found it :-).