
Funday, bloody funday

That was a pretty good day today! It started off with mopping up the remainders of a class reunion of our highschool class of Saturday night. It was good fun with almost everybody showing up in the back of beyond of M's home in Bärschwil. Thanks to everybody who was involved in organising it - I am looking forward to seeing some pictures, and the digital version of that video tape of yonder!

Somewhat less fun was being woken my the marching practise of the Musikverein Schönenbuch at the ungodly hour of 10am on a Sunday morning - argh!

But all was well after a nice day in the sun and the pool and finally, a quick visit to Art Basel - and thanks to P for the ticket! A lot of the stuff on display is not worth much more than a passing smirk, but strolling through the exhibits is always fun, if only for the people watching. Here's a small collage of phone pictures taken. Next time you read from me here is probably coming from el la ciudad real de Madrid!

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