
ArtCast Basel

Art|36|Basel is up and running (until Monday), and I still don't feel quite up to half a day of walking & talking after my three days in bed with a nasty summer flu!

Meanwhile, I enjoy the fair in form of a podcast: ArtCast is a most commendable initiative by Barbara Strebel & Patrik Tschudin who allow us to listen in on their Art experience in a pretty unadulterated way. Great stuff! There's just one small thing: the mp3 file resides on their .mac homepage and is not in an RSS enclosure, or whatever those things are called, so my RSS reader is unable to deal with it directly. Unfortunately, I am not knowledgable enough to tell them what to do to put it right, but maybe somebody else could give them a hand? If I can ramp up my energy level to actually partake of the event, I'll certainly be on the lookout for some folks running about with a mike'd iPod! Perhaps you'll hear me soon?

Oh yeah, lest I forget: the soap is gone - sold! Interestingly, it hasn't gone "south", we're told ... but il Cavaliere certainly has a good selection of front men.

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