
Donate a click

Interesting! I've never seen a charity asking for your mouseclick instead of your money. But Aquaplastics 2005 (via gebsn) seems to do just that. If they reach 1.5 mio clicks on their website by June 22nd, then the European plastic industry will donate EUR 150'000 (10 Cents per click) to WaterAid to provide people in Ethiopia with clean, safe water & sanitation. Hell, I've clicked on infinitely sillier links than that - and so have you!

FYI: the counter currently stands at only 324'140 clicks ... 1'175'860 more to go!

1 comment:

Joel said...

731,265 now.

The only good thing my first employer Thames Water ever did, apart from give me presentation training and a windfall from the RWE takeover, was be the first to encourage clicks through the WaterAid website. I don't quite see the point of raising money this way as there is no education of the 'donator', just a quick pass visit to the webpage; but, if the money is given, that's fine.