
Down and Out?

Not at all! Down may be down there and out all over the place, but far from down & out! Thanks to a concerted international effort in prodding and probing (I'd like to think), he has taken up posting seriously about his trip to India.

His reports from Mumbai & Chennai make for a brilliant read, although they confirm me in my conviction that this would not be a good place for me. And I am not so sure whether Kolkata is the right place to seek respite from the unfavourable climate - why not go to Shimla right away? I suppose the Viceroy knew why he spent his summers there ...

In short: Folks, you've got to read Joel's travel blog!


Joel said...

Shimla eh? I'll have to see what the guidebook says about that...

Thanks for the kind comments. You may soon change your mind as I've lots more to say!

Chris said...

I'll be looking forward to that!