
California top ten!

Good things come to those who wait - remember? Well, here is a selection of the best pictures taken in California. I've taken many more photos, so beware if you come visit soon - you might be forced to see them! The ones I've published earlier are not available online anymore now.

It was a great trip altogether, showing a very different world from the one I'm used to. Here's the contrast:

Oh, I forgot: there's also similarities!


Kirk said...

Nice pictures of the best state of them all (of course, I'm a little biased)...

Chris said...

Glad you appreciate! And it doesn't take much bias to be sure - CA beats them all hands down, at least these states that I have been to to date (CO, NJ, NY, IL, AZ).

Joel said...

I'm a bit fond of New England in the fall and Colorado in winter, but California is a remarkable place. I can't see the pictures on the puny India internet connection, but I imagine you saw the sky - what an incredible sense of space there is in California. And the smog can make for a beautiful sunset...

No palm trees in Switzerland are there, Chris?

Chris said...

Well, now that you mention it, actually there are palmtrees in Switzerland - in the Southern part of it. This makes me think that I am there too little!