
California pictures

The conference is over, so let the fun begin! Consequently here are the first couple of pictures.

Today, I went on a city tour with Raimondo and Wojtek from Poland, and later on, we had lunch/dinner in Chinatown, which is a incredibly vibrant place. The second installment of the pictures bear witness of all that. Oh yeah, regards to the Ladies from upstate NY with their strange predilection for cemeteries!

Finally, I am glad to say that my travelling companion Joe has arrived safely from the UK. So, we're all set to go!


Anonymous said...

wow, pretty nice pictures! as I can see you're enjoying it to the full, but take care, you have to control yourself not to smoke one of your favorite cuban cigars down there in sunny california! the people there don't really like smokers (and I heard about very bad conditions in californian jails?). to produce smoke you better try out one of these now freely available automatic guns - it's not illegal at least?;-)
Moreover I guess you don't want to provoke one of these small earthquakes that is considered by the Keilis-Borok team as the precursor of a really big one in the next future?
tom ladner

Chris said...

Actually, Cuban cigars are pretty hard to come by here - I came across a shop in Cow Hollow which sold legal ones (i.e. which have been imported before the introduction of the embargo, so they are more than 30 years old), but that's about it! And you're certainly right, there's not much opportunity to peruse them ...

Re Keilis-Borok: The warning was given up to September 5th, so we're as safe as one can be in California, right now.

So, shall we take care of those Cubans upon my return on the 25th? Would be a pleasure!

Anonymous said...

die bilder deiner reise sind traumhaft vor allem die landschaftsidyllen, natürlich.. und auch die gigantesken gebäude eindrücklich!
und so viele fritzlis wo sind wohl die haie geblieben?
ich freu mich auf deinen kommentare bald.