
Mental health month?!

Do they have a serious problem with mental health in Denver? There's a whole lot of those posters about screaming "May is mental health month - do you feel it?" all over the place. Very odd. I mean, it's ok to have a mental health day or something, but ONE MONTH? I certainly *did* feel something!

This strange first impression has not exactly been weakened by about the highest concentration of seriously ugly people I have encountered on 16th Street which appears to be the main shopping mall in this city.

But then, things improved. First, I came across a really good and committed bookstore which - judged by it's size and selection - leads me to expect a rather considerable community of well read people. And secondly, I had a delicious dinner in a very commendable restaurant on the sidewalk of 16th street while enjoying a wonderfully mild evening (ca. 23 degrees I'd say). Well, we'll see how Denver comes along.

Remember that I obtained The Da Vinci Code a couple of days ago? Thanks to hours on end of air travel, I've already finished it.
It's a while since I finished a 500 page rollercoaster in just a few days, and yet it didn't quite live up to my expectations. The first reason for that probably is that it is too ostentatiously erudite - something that its "benchmark" Umberto Eco ("U.E. on steroids") would never be. Probably it is lacking in humour. Secondly, it is a well constructed story with plenty of surprises popping up all the time. But that's exactly where to rub sits: in my view, the drawing board construction is a bit too obvious. And that's a pity. And thirdly, as in most conspiracy related books, an ominous Swiss bank account has its appearance, although it is so totally beside the point that I will not go into any details. I guess Brown just didn't care about this particular piece of information to do some real research on it. To sum up: I don't regret having read the book, but I am not going to read another Dan Brown anytime soon.

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