
Quirky pleasures

Food posts are anathema to blog critics, but I don't care much about them, so I keep them coming occasionally. Also, there's the food tag introduced with this post. Speaking of tags: you may have noticed those creeping up here lately - the reason for that is that I finally was allowed to switch over to the new version of Blogger. This was a bit of an issue because my blog is not hosted on blogspot, but that works now. Since blogger now offers custom domains, I have another decision to make.

But back to the food post: I've extended my foray into English wines, hence the title. We've tasted the Chapel Down Pinot Noir 2003 in combination with a raclette. To everybody's surprise, it turned out to be a rather pleasant, light wine! Obviously expectations were not exactly excessive, but they were matched. Nonetheless, I don't think I'll go through the pain of buying it at Fortnum & Mason's & bringing it back home again ... it was just a quixotic experiment that earned a few good laughs. There's still another bottle of white Chapel Down in the fridge, waiting for the next occasion. Maybe I'll play this album that I just downloaded from Magnatune.

Oh yes, before I forget: Happy New Year!


Joel said...

Glad you're liking the English vintages (but not tried myself). The vineyard is only a mile from Maison Down so will have to pick some up next time I'm down there. Feel free to place an order!

Chris said...

A mile - seriously? Well, in that case, Chapel Down is practically your house, or should I say chapel, wine of which you need to keep a generous supply in the cellars of your town house to cater for your guests! :)

Joel said...

Seriously! Now, a wine cellar... might be difficult in an upstairs maisonette. But I'll start digging.