
Shaken or stirred - I don't give a damn

While the quote may not be verbatim, it is certainly in keeping with the style of Casino Royale, the new Bond. This is IMHO the most authentic Bond ever. Seriously.

Authenticity starts at the opening credits. No psychedelic floating soft porn, but new, theme based, old school visual language. The story is based closely on the first Bond novel with added leverage (literally). Bond's character has been very appropriately adapted to the new actor, and, incidentally, to Ian Fleming's original design: In M's words, Bond is a "blunt instrument", he doesn't care much about subtle and finesse, effectivity will do. But despite of his dry business sense, he is passionate and smart. I should add though that the passion gets beaten out of him very painfully in the course of action, but his smartness remains. In that sense, Bond is much like Jack Bauer in 24.

There's some really good extensive dialogue even - probably the longest ever, without intermittent casualties. The high tech gadgetry is there, but lacking resourceful Q, it is kept in the background, as is the unusually discreet product placement. Amazingly, the hallmark Bond tune is entirely absent, which is only logical, seeing how Casino Royale is about the making of James Bond as a Double-0 agent.

Switzerland features fairly prominently, as it often does in Bond movies. Some of the great scenery is probably shot in southern Switzerland, and there's Mr Mendel, a somewhat featherbrained Swiss banker with his suitcased account remote control. But I shouldn't forget Mr Mendel's employer, Basle Bank! I say, may home town makes the new Bond! Too bad there is no such bank.

Casino Royale is worth seeing. Sean Connery is definitely last century.

P.S. Watch this interview with former CIA director James Woolsey. Its takeaway: The better you are at what you do, the less people know about it.

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