
Captain James Bigglesworth

Remember my bout of nostalgia concerning Biggles? Imagine my surprise when I walked past Hatchard's tonight and saw this! The Biggles series has been republished!

Since it's not worth while entering a bookstore to buy just one book, I stocked up on more recent Scottish crime literature, namely the new Rankin as well as the new McCall-Smith. Since Mr McCall has been rather prolific lately, make that two. But Dream Angus is part of Waterstone's 3 for 2 offer, so it's only natural for the parsimonious Swiss to get another two books: this rather rather useful almanach and, in preparation for next week's trip to Istanbul, Nobel prize winner Orhan Pamuk's Istanbul. Memories of a City.

Until further notice, all time wasting is off!

P.S. Have a look at the amazing new Alice in Wonderland decorations in Fortnum & Mason's shop window. Pictures are available in my flickr gallery.

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