
Second Life

Despite of my well established negligence of gaming, this Economist article convinced me to have a look at Second Life, a well populated virtual reality, it seems. However, after signing up, downloading & installing the required app, it turns out that the required application is not really Mac compatible, despite of their claims. Their system requirements need to be taken very literally, especially with the video card. Boooh, Second Life! Mac users are not used to having to check for some system components compatibility when they're on a standard machine!


Anonymous said...

First off, it isn't a graphic card incompatibility issue, the real problem is the lack of a capable one. This is the exact reason I bought a MacBook Pro over a MacBook. The Pros have third-party graphic cards with substantial amounts of memory, the MacBooks have onboard ones.

Secondly, I don't see why you were unable to run Second Life. It is in fact Mac-compatible. I think you just downloaded the wrong file. Here's a link to the download page on Apple's own web-site: Second Life

Chris said...

It seems to work with the new version - cool!

However, "Mac compatibility" does not mean for SL what it usually does, i.e. that all current standard models are supported - you have to have a configuration in which every component is supported, just like in another IT world ...