
Recent acquisitions

My music buying patterns have changed quite a bit lately, I noticed the other day. Nowadays, the standard procedure would be that I hear something enticing on a podcast, and then go to iTunes to get it. That has happened with two rather obscure-ish Russian composers (namely Khandoshkin, whom I've heard about on the Naxos podcast, and Taneyev, whose remote acquaintance I am pleased to have made via the Gramophone podcast) as well as with The Lament for the Laird of Annapool, an entirely thrilling Scottish bagpipe piece from The World's Greatest Pipers, which I've heard played on Radio Clash. But there's also the conventional, fail-safe purchase based on previous knowledge: E.S.T.'s new album Tuesday Wonderland. Enjoy!

Speaking of buying & selling ... the phone is gone!

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