

So, I am back from Frankfurt. The photo stream can be viewed here - comments welcome, as always.

There's not much to say about a three days trip of which two days were solid with a conference. I did however take out the Saturday to explore the city, which I haven't seen before. It really does honour to its nickname Mainhattan (its river Main + the skyline). I've been thinking about how I would sum up the city's charm in one word, and I guess scrubbed would be that word - I'll say no more. Apart from walking the streets, I also saw two exhibitions at Schirn Kunsthalle: The Youth of today and an extraordinary display of Max Beckmann's watercolours and pastels. It will not be necessary to tag the pictures I took in those two exhibitions - the exhibits speak for themselves. One funny thing, though, which I was told when I was well into taking pictures: You do of course need a permission to take pictures, which is available for free from the till. You just need to leave your personal details. Isn't that a very German thing? Control freaks ...

Not quite so controlled was the evening out with a friend at Wagner's. This is a rather remarkable Appelwoi (apple wine) restaurant with a long tradition, which I discovered about thanks to Wallpaper's timely Frankfurt profile in the March edition.

1 comment:

Kirk said...

I actually ate at Wagner's on an earlier trip to Frankfurt, but I have to say I found Apfelwein to be rather disappointing. But after a day of talking about IFRS I can imagine it would hit the spot...