
Alles neu ...

macht der Mai, as the German proverb goes. You will have noticed that this revolutionary month is being preempted in this blog, which is revamped in everything but its looks. Nonetheless, you should not experience any untoward behaviour, except for the old problem of addressing individual posts which still carry no .html ending. Let me know if you do all the same.

There's more news to report: My recent birthday was celebrated among a very exclusive circle in very nice surroundings. Don't worry if you were not invited - nobody was. There will be other partying opportunities soon, I promise. Meanwhile, thanks to everyone for your kind wishes!

You will never guess what I've got as a birthday present. Hint: It's in the picture. My sister gave me a meteorite! It's an amazing piece of metal (an iron nickel alloy, in fact) originating from the planet Mars, and it has come down in Siberia in 1947 I am told. The exact profile will be posted when I get it. Also, I got what probably amounts to several grams of nicotine, but in the more pleasant form of cigars, and a couple of other great items. Thanks, again!


Chris said...

and testing ...

Smaran said...

Awesome! Chip me a piece for my birthday? I'll send you a key of my MBP!

The Big Finn said...

Tell us about the restaurant. I wouldn't mind taking Mrs. TBF there for a special occasion. Thumbs up?

Chris said...

Thumbs up, by all means! Nice setting, fine (French) cuisine, competent & friendly staff, not outrageously expensive ... worth going!

However, if I had to choose, my preference would still be this for the utmost in refinement you can get in Basle.
