
Water News

Remember the SwiMP3? It's ages that I bought a seaborne MP3 player for the swimming pool, only to find out that it didn't work properly with the Mac, despite of what the producer said.

Well, it seems that the old adage of time healing everything holds true once again! The new Tiger version of Mac OS X (ten!) and the new SwiMP3 I got in exchange for the old one from Finis during last September's trip to Washington have finally come together. OK, they've come together a while ago already, but for some strange reason, it's only today that I remembered to try it out again, and it works!! Swimming is quite a different experience if you can listen to music while you're at it, and the sound quality of this thing is amazingly good, especially under water. It's definitely an incentive to shorten your breaks.

More water related news: The pool that I used to go to before it was closed for urgent repair will be reopening Monday!


Anonymous said...

hey.... I've always wanted an underwater mp3 player... if only my ipod could do stuff like that (the old buggers ailing here).. a few questions, how much did you pick it up for? might need something like that this summer. also, do you have a link?

lastly, please switch the comments function to your page, so that cocomment can work! becuase both you and i use it now, don't we?

Joel said...

Congratulations (seriously). I would be fascinated to know what's on your aquatic playlist...

Chris said...

Here's a link to the thing - it's about $180 in the US. My suspicion is that it won't live long, though, what with the rubberised insulation in a chemically rather unfriendly environment...

I'll see what I can do about the comment popup.

Joel, that's a really good question! I decided on some lounge & house music, what little I have of that category. It's got to have a certain obvious and not too intricate rythm, so Jazz & Classical is out, but the beat mustn't be too heavy, so no pop either (of which I have even less).

Joel said...

Then you might like to skim through the Dave's Lounge podcast - throws up all sorts of interesting downtempo stuff. I could imagine swimming to that.