
Religious humour

Oh wow! Until very recently, I firmly held the opinion that religious people were suffering from a sanctimoniousness induced humour deficit. Actually, I still hold that belief, but the Ship of Fools (via NZZ) is the epitome of an exception to the rule! Just look at the forum headings: Heaven - Purgatory - Hell - All Saints as Community discussions. Or check out the Gadgets for God section! The Darwin fish is just invaluable, or the GodPod: Apple saviour Steve Jobs, time to meet another one here.What about Deathware? And they're really serious about all this! OK, they're mostly British, but still ... the world will only get better when we have a Mohammed Ashtray! But until then, which might easily be not before the Last Judgement, we'll have to make do with the Mosque Clock.


Anonymous said...

Good stuff.... I wasn't sure what to make of it at first, but I now I seem to have found the humour in it.

Anonymous said...

Was steht da unter dem «Jesus Ashtray» geschrieben? «As everyone knows, God hates Jews.» Das ist ja wirklich waaahnsinnig lustig. You got the message?! Lachzwang!!!

Chris said...

Bitte? Als ich letztes Mal nachgeschaut habe (vor 2 Minuten), stand da noch: "God hates fags." Nix Juden - Zigaretten ... oder Schwule, je nach Lesart des Wortspiels. Der Witz ist zwar auch nicht gerade frisch, aber den Umständen angemessen - don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, welche Umstände? Ob da jetzt «Jews» oder «Fags» steht - mir behagt beides nicht. Die Formulierung hat mich an den Inhalt von Websites wie www.godhatesfags.com oder www.godhatessweden.com oder www.godhatesamerica.com erinnert. Ich kann darüber nicht lachen...