

I just discovered coComment, a webservice keeping track of and aggregating all of my comments (selectively) which I leave around the blogosphere. Pretty useful if you want to keep track of all those loose ends, I'd say! And, would you believe it, it's actually a Swiss firm's innovation, which seems to be connected to Swisscom.


Anonymous said...

Ich habe vor einigen Tagen diese Dienstleitung abonniert. Ziemlich cool, muss sie mal richtig benutzen. Aber sie kann ich hier nicht benutzen, weil es keinen Digital-Stellknopf für CoComment auf diesem Pop-up gibt's.

Chris said...

You're absolutely right! While they boast blogger as being supported, when you look into the details, there are way too many we don't know how to's to warrant that claim! This is disappointing!

Anonymous said...

exactly... and I tried using CoComment on Newsvine while commenting, but it didn't work. I wonder where my religiously provocative comment is!

Unknown said...

Hmm - Very interesting. I'll have to check this out. IT is good and interesting especially for business purposes.