
The Auld Reekie

I am signing off from Switzerland tomorrow way too early in the morning: The plane to Frankfurt leaves at 0605h ... hopefully! But all should be well, it's going to be Lufthansa. Well, we'll see. In Frankfurt, I'll have some lounging to do (the iPod is fully charged), and then onwards to Edinburgh, where I haven't been for far too long. The plan is a business meeting and Paul's stag do ... looking forward to that! And yes, I am taking the camera! I'll be staying at the Edinburgh Clubhouse for the first time. Eventually I should be touching down in BSL again at 1750h on Monday. See you then (or earlier, depending on time & connectivity)!

1 comment:

Joel said...

Chris, sorry that I can't be there with you but am in Sydney on my way to Hong Kong and Sri Lanka [sigh]. Please have a fantastic time and make sure Paul has a great time. See you in Northumberland!