
Invasion of the bouncy balls

You know how it is: There's that song that you hear occasionally, but know nothing about, and you never make the extra effort to find out more. In my case, it is the soundtrack to this great commercial showing an avalanche of rubber balls bouncing around San Francisco. Today I discovered that it is the song Heartbeats from a relatively recent album called Veneer by José Gonzàlez. Needless to say that I bought it right away - you should, too! But I really do not agree with it being classified as Rock, though ...


Smaran said...

Beautiful, a must see. The music is awesome and the ad is really great!

Anonymous said...

i was listening to the song on repeat today and i thought, what if sony pulls their link down of the ad, like so many companies do? well, im heading there to download it. your best post to date, chris.