
Katrina's advice: household supplies

The Swiss Federal Office for National Economic Supply has a nice brochure about houshold reserves - a last resort at times of shortage. Events like Katrina are good reminders for the usefulness of keeping such emergency supplies, especially if everything else fails. For that event, I would complement the shopping list with lots of water, any required medication, a couple of packs of batteries, matches, candles, a manually operated radio and, finally, a gun and enough ammunition ...


Anonymous said...

you're not really serious about the gun and ammunition? are you??

Chris said...

Thank you for asking, but I am afraid I don't have a very satisfying answer for you: I am deadly serious about that. In the event of a total breakdown of law & order, I want to be able to sell my hide as dearly as possible. While the NRA is certainly over the top, they have a point in positing that any respectable citizen should be able to defend himself & his next of kin in the event of anarchy. And that state may not always be as far away as we would like at times. Just as an aside: the majority of Swiss households keep a semi-automatic assault rifle with ammunition ready.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I got my StGw 90 (swiss army semiautomatic gun) and my Notmunition, so you better don't f**k with me in case of ermergencies. And don't try to get me out of my apartment, dear authorities, cause I will keep on blogging and shoot everyone trying to stop me from doing that ... only joking. But seriously, I don't like the idea that people will have access to weapons in such situations. I think that will do more harm than it will help. More important for me would be for me to connect with my neighbors and trying to organize and help each other out.

Chris said...

Excellent illustration of my point. That's precisely where I draw the line: As soon as the state reasserts its authority, any resistance is entirely out of line. Naturally, I don't much like the idea of an armed citizenry either - friendly neighbours would be preferable by far (fig. the tribalisation that could apparently be observed in New Orléans). However, if the alternative scenario is not so friendly, you want to be prepared.