
Basle train station blues

It may have an eBay Xchange-Point, for which we are ever grateful, but when, oh when will the management of the Basle train station realise how very nerve saving fast lane indicators (standing and walking foot prints) on overly narrow escalators & staircases are. London has them, Paris has them, every civilised place has them. Even Zürich does ...


Joel said...

This may be the first time I have ever seen you flustered, Chris!

But can I ask, what do you mean by fast lane indicators? 'Stand on the right' etc.?

Chris said...

That's exactly what I mean.

The first time ever, really? This is how I get before I take action ... ;-)

Kirk said...

I don't know about the footprints, but I agree that it shouldn't be too hard for people to "stand right, walk left" (or vice-versa). Part of the problem in the Basel station is that the escalators are so narrow that anyone with luggage automatically blocks them. (Incidentally, when you're in Washington, the Metro doesn't have "stand right, walk left" signs, but it's nevertheless a major pet peeve of locals when tourists stand two abreast and block people from walking up the escalators...)