
Exit Music

So then, this is it, allegedly - the last in the Inspector Rebus series. I am presently struggling with myself whether or not I should reveal any spoilers, since it doesn't really matter anymore. But then again, it does, so I won't. Suffice it to say that I am sad to see him go as he kept my relationship to Edinburgh alive - not that I'd had any to its underworld, mind you. I wonder whether Rankin will do a Reichenbach twist some time, or whether we will treated to a different angle maybe? But until then, let's give Rebus some space.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Without giving away much, I was rather pleased with the ending and the intertwining of fates. I did read recently that Rankin was (already) considering other Rebus tales - but given he's only in his early 40s, doesn't the author have time to develop a new character with fewer character burdens?

I hadn't thought of my interest in Rebus in terms of relationships with Edinburgh before, but that's a good point.

Hope you actually enjoyed the story...