
Fruit matters

Yay! I just ordered a top of the range iMac (think 24", 2.8 GHz, 4 GB RAM, 750 GB HD) yesterday, and now I am auctioning my good old Cinema Display. How disloyal is that! No bids taken for the MacBook btw, I'll keep that around for my mobile computing needs.


Smaran said...

How much? :P

Chris said...

You got it - everything has its price! New one - $100 ... ;)

Smaran said...

$100 for your Apple Cinema Display? You're serious? If you were in India or could get it here, I'd actually pay that much.

Chris said...

Ah no, that one went for CHF 500.

Chris said...

And what I meant is that I'd sell the MacBook for the price of a new one minus $100 ...

Smaran said...

Oh, I get it now.