
Cracking the Oyster

Perfectly in line with Mr Butt's advice that the oyster is unseasonable in all months that do not have a letter R in their name, I have used my new Oystercard for the first time this morning. By which information you can safely deduct that I am in London again - until Thursday.

P.S. What's really great about it is that it's available without a UK address, thus for tourists and other London travellers. And that's a good thing seeing how the rates for individual trips have been hiked. It's not completely thought through, though, in that you do need a UK address to register the card to protect it against loss and top it up online.


Joel said...

You'll never get that £3 back, you know. I speak from bitter experience.

Welcome back to London on this dank day.

Chris said...

It truly is dank - disgusting.

As for the 3 quid, I read about your difficulties ... I wouldn't be surprised if it were easier for us foreigners, though, because refunds are handled through Visit Britain. The Indian tourist rip-off reversed!