
A mighty fine mouse!

Yay! One day ahead of schedule, my new Mighty Mouse arrived today, and already I wouldn't want to go back anymore. So, if you would like to keep a well behaved, plain vanilla, tailless rodent, just let me know ...

In other news, I finally downgraded my 5 MBit/s service to a 3 MBit/s one from Cablecom. The difference will more than pay for the VoIP landline that I am switching to at the same time, which in turn pulls the last plug on my Swisscom connection. About the CHF 100 downgrade fee that Cablecom charges ... let's just say that it doesn't take much clever negotiating, seeing how the contract's notice is three months at no cost.

Speaking of all that connectivity - you already know that I am a FONero, and I am still happy with the idea, even though the router turned out to be dramatically (+100%) more expensive than almost free because of unexpected customs & VAT. See my gripes here.


Smaran said...

Haha, I knew it! My instinct told me there was something fishy about FON.com's "almost free" routers. Told you so.

And I'm glad you got the Mighty Mouse. You have to post some pictures of it now! Btw, have you tried out google's new Picasa Web Albums plug-in for iPhoto? All you need is a Gmail account, which you already have. Like FlickrExport, you upload from iPhoto to your Picasa Web Albums account.

Back to the Mighty Mouse, I don't see how the wireless version (yours) is any better than the wired one (mine). Infact, I think it's the other way around. The wireless one periodically needs new batteries, that pollute the environment. I have also read that sometimes the Bluetooth connections stalls for a second or two (via the TUAW review). The only plus in my eyes is that it uses a Laser instead of an Optical Sensor.

Lastly, what is a VOIP land-line and how is it any different from a normal one?

Chris said...

Well, VAT & customs are not exactly FON's fault, right? I'm still glad I did it!

The primary advantage of the MM is the absence of a cable. I hate all cables! If you want to sell me something, make it cable-free.

VoIP is Voice over Internet Protocoll. It means that I will not have an ordinary phone line anymore, but just the cable TV line over which internet & phone traffic plus the TV signal travel. Killing redundancies is the name of the game.

Smaran said...

I know what VOIP stands for! Grr.

What I don't understand is the implementation of VOIP by traditional phone companies. How do they make it work and how do they profit from it?

You and I both know that FON should have informed of you the VAT in advance. If it were some Jaguar-less person like me caught in the middle of something like this, having to pay double the amount, i'd be outraged and refuse to.