

At well over 30 degrees centigrade, I recommend a visit to the current special exhibition of Henri Matisse at the Fondation Beyeler. But not just because the Fondation is air conditioned, nor because the exhibition only lasts until Monday, after having been prolonged. The exhibition is a must see if you like Henri Matisse, painter of luxury. It is only when you see a large selection of his works put together in one place, you actually appreciate the artist's work in its integrity, and Matisse certainly deserves that attribute. Matisse is very French in that respect, although the pompous French documentary about him from 1946 which is also on display doesn't do him much justice, just listening to its awful Wochenschau Marschmusik style soundtrack.

On a slightly different note, I am beginning to think that there is a big artistic vacuum beginning with WWII - I don't know any contemporary art that has made as big a step forward comparable to what classical modernism did in relation to its predecessors. Care to debate?

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