

Got that? Well, it's just the technical term for black lung which I noticed today on the A Word a Day widget.

This post is actually to announce that the Blackbook is in full operation now, rather than talk about occupational hazards. Admittedly, I struggled a bit to work around the harddisk failure that had occured involving my encrypted home directory, but all the files are safely transferred and backed up now - whew! When you have to do a manual batch file transfer sometime, just make sure that you not only use the identical username on the new system, but also that that user's UID is the same - sometimes, a bit of earlier UNIX exposure comes in handy ...

Otherwise, the new box works like a breeze!! It's amazingly fast, even with Office on Rosetta. The matte black finish looks very sophisticated and is actually reminiscent of the good old black Wall Street Powerbook, minus the curves. The glossy screen is a real beauty to look at, even in bright sunlight on the patio (none of those heat issues, either), where Airport reception is much better thanks to the non-metallic frame. Oh, and if you want to keep your iTunes library away from your home directory, then try this - it actually works perfectly!


Smaran said...

I actually saved that edition of AWAD! How peculiar that you use it as your post title...

Congratulations on the BlackBook. Even though I got my SilverBook way before yours arrived, I still haven't blogged about it. I just don't want to until I'm at least 80% accustomed to OS X and the new machine. It's not that I don't know how to use it, I'm just taking my own time since I have been on Win-dohs since forever.

Glad to know the FileVault thing got fixed. I don't think it's necessary, but an x-security consultant like yourself has no choice I guess ;-)

Joel said...

But doesn't your new Mac look like an IBM Thinkpad? ;)

Chris said...

Noooo, it looks much better - no funny business on the keyboard!

Judge Jonathan said...

Congratulations back!

Enjoy the ride...