
Snowed in

When I last posted a few winter pictures on flickr (unfortunately I wasted my monthly quota with a stupid mistake in the process), I thought that was the last we'd see from winter. Boy, was I ever wrong! Tonight, we've had the most snow falling since 74 years apparently! This morning when I started working on clearing the stuff up, it stood at 53cm. That's a lot of snow, I can tell you. Normally, if we get a fifth of that, there's already a good bit of snow ... well, I am glad it's the weekend. But surprisingly, the Sunday newspapers got delivered, even with a bit of a delay, and apparently trains are running again already, although with a quarter of an hour to 20 minutes delay. I've heard of countries where trains stopped working in fall because they had "leaves on tracks" ...


Joel said...

The wrong sort of leaves, thanks!

Chris said...

Oh, so there is some sort of leaves which doesn't bother trains, then?

Anonymous said...

leaves on tracks? here they dont even stop if there are people on them!

i miss the snow. lets swap countries chris! and computers :-D

Kirk said...

I figured this had to be a record of some sort. As of 4:00pm our tram tracks were still under 2-3 feet of snow, but overall I have to say Basel deals with snow much more efficiently than Washington.