

You could say that yesterday's trip to InterWhisky was in preparation of the forthcoming visit to Edinburgh on the occasion of Paul D's stag do, and I couldn't possibly argue with that. However, the offering was not overwhelming to the modestly initiated. Nonetheless, the presentations were informative & meeting Avo Uvezian was worth it on its own merits. Also, I wasn't aware of an interesting new Springbank-brand: Longrow gives every Ardbeg & Laphroaig a run for its money on peatyness. The evening found it's most satisfactory conclusion in an extensive Chinese dinner with K&C in Hongkong. Avoid theatre business if you can.


Joel said...

I'm worried Chris; have you ever been to a British stag do? Yes, there will be plenty of whisky, but also have a few crisp twenty pound notes to pop into the lapdancers' g-strings ;-)

Chris said...

Surely, in Scotland a fiver will do? ;-)

So that's the reason why you're staying at a safe distance, is it? Well, don't you worry about me - I've been Best Man at a Ukranian wedding, so I am pretty confident that I can handle most everything that life throws at me in terms of festivities ...