
Intelligent Life II

My prayers have indeed been heard - there is a second issue of Intelligent Life, and it is as good as the first one. Some pointers to items of interest:
  • The distinguished lady with a temporary budget shortage can actually borrow the handbag of her desire. So, how about that nice Ferragamo handbag with some usage marks, Frau Merkel?
  • The Economist is weighing in on the debate over premium chocolate, and it comes to a scandalous conclusion: the Belgian stuff (Marcolini) is best! Zürich's Teuscher comes 5th in 7! Fortunately, the comparison's rigour can be questioned - they only tried truffles, and they did it in a dinner party environment ... probably, those guys might have been better suited for the job!
  • Interesting piece about Rolex, allegedly the luxury timepiece of choice. Just not mine - I find those things disgustingly clunky! I'd rather go to that Vienna shop I discovered and get a pre-owned high-end Jaeger.
  • The article on podcasting mentions two interestings ones that I'll give a shot; Little Gray Books & Biddycast.
  • Tunes on tap makes the case for music utilities with a constant stream of music from central servers with artists paid per second of usage. Go with the flow - interesting!
  • Finally, we're told to forget the résumé because clever blogs are better suited for landing us that much sought after new job. Interesting indeed!
  • Overall, a worthwhile lifestyle magazine, for once! Just two shortcomings: The constant talk about $$$ (instead of £ or EUR) or NTSC doesn't exactly hint to the magazine's European origins, and this time round, they were a bit short on giving us weblinks - even in the online version! You can get it at your local (well stocked!) newsagent now.

    P.S. Their online survey is rather tedious. When will surveyors realise that surveyees realise quite acutely that a 9 by 4 matrix question is actually equivalent to 36 questions and not just one?!

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