
Mac friendly Swiss service

While there is plenty of politically entirely justfied badwill around regarding Swiss (personally, I would have just let it go, or maybe bought a controlling stake in BA instead), some compliments are in order occasionally! Here's one:

Yesterday night at 2102h, I finally got round to complaining about a website problem I've had for a bit now. As a consequence of that problem, I carelessly misbooked a deep discount flight to Vienna a couple of weeks ago.

Today at 1218h, I received an adjusted electronic ticket free of charge, followed by this answer at 1235h:

Response (Miriam Dietrich) - 07/04/2005 11:35
Dear Mr Dreyer,

thank you very much for your correspondence.

We are actually aware that MAC users may encounter this problem, bot only on swiss.com but on other sites as well. Our homepage is running perfectly on PC's, but is sometimes instabel with MAC. However, since there are more and more MAC users, our IT department is working on adjusting our system accordingly.

Therefore, we did exceptionally change your reservation as follows :
(details omitted)
You should have already received a modifies receipt of your electronic ticket in a separate e-mail. We hope we have been of assistance. For any further queries you are more than welcome to contact us again.

It goes without saying (I'll do it anyway) that I am very pleased - not just by the unexpected swiftness and completeness of service, but also by the phrase about "more and more MAC users"! So, kudos to Swiss for working towards ending Mac discrimination!!


Joel said...

What they should have said is:

"We're sorry that we could only be bothered coding our booking engine to work with one non-standards compliant browser. If we'd worked a bit harder we could have made our website fully compatible with every browser including Firefox and Safari rather than some shoddy out of date product from Microsoft.

But we didn't, which is not very Swiss. Sorry, but next time you may as well use a PC as we don't support machines that are used by a disproportionately large percentage of HNWIs"

Chris said...

Do I sense a certain self-contradiction in the last sentence? Since they're apparently working on it, they actually noticed the HNWI thing among other things, so your whole point collapses.

But anyway, what's your problem with Swiss? Have you actually ever flown it? While I agree that the reason for its existence is wrong, it's here now, and thanks to Lufthansa, it's here to stay for another bit, and their product isn't all that bad.