
"Interesting" Mac mini review

This is an absolutely spectacular specimen of the reality distortion field that is MS. The report is so riddled with errors and misperceptions arising from the author's MS only competence that I almost sound like a DoD press statement! The perfect computer for autistic children, lacking antivirus software? Have a look, it's fun!


Anonymous said...

Consider yourself hooked, dear little fishy. Say, what's the Swedish word for parody?

Chris said...

Swedish? I've got no idea at all! Could it be you're American, mistaking Switzerland for Sweden as usually?

Chris said...

Isn't it! Evidently some people even think it's parody. But what with parody being exaggerated mimicry, this is definitely not very good parody, because it is exaggerating only rather mildly. Also supportive of my theory that it's not parody is the fact that the author boasts his MSCE so much ...

HighCool? Aren't you the guy who's linked to my blog a couple of months ago? And whose blog is still only about two entries? ;-) Do I know you?