
Swiss Chocolate Wrap?!

The place I am staying at does very aptly offer a Swiss Chocolate Wrap - it's a SwissĂ´tel, after all. However, this offer is located as a body treatment in the Wellness & Lifestyle section! I am shocked! What a waste!

Meanwhile, I got round to the Soho Apple story to get an iPod photo as requested by T. The place was quite packed on a Sunday afternoon and iPods are selling like wildfire. Here's a picture of the queue at the register (around & behind the pillar) downstairs - they have a similar one upstairs, queue included:

P.S. JJ, the next performance of Dame Edna will take place only on Tuesday evening, when I will already be airborne again ... pity!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, imaging me a attractive young hostess (or better employee) of the wellness-section applying a chocolate-wrap to me?and above all removing it ? however - afterwards?it doesn?t have to be a waste! otherwise the chocolate is said to be a health elixir since the mayan and aztec cultures. aztecs believed that wisdom and power came from eating the fruit of the cocoa tree, and also that it had nourishing, fortifying, and even aphrodisiac qualities?may be at that time the guys not only have drunk or eaten the chocolate, you never knows?

by the way I am very grateful to you for your effort going to the rather crowded apple-store on a holy sunday afternoon only to get hold of an ipod for me! thank you so much!

