
This is it!

What? Well, my birthday, technically speaking. But since everybody of consequence does not celebrate his (or her - viz QE II) B'day on its very anniversary, I shall join that merry crowd. Hopefully the actual party this Saturday will be quite merry in fact, after all we'll be about 30 people - and that's still well short of the years! ;-)

That sad note aside, I am still working on having an interesting month of June. On the 11th, there is going to be an challenging HSG Alumni event in St. Gallen. The week after that, I'll likely spend a day or two in London on AIMR mission. And the week after that, it's London again (I do like the place)! Edinburgh University's General Council is holding an enticing program, including a reception and dinner at a place no less tempting that this!

But now, on to the customary wee dram of 1966 Springbank single malt which has been raised for a once yearly libation only - yet another good reason for not holding one's birthday on the actual anniversary. But that's Top Secret, of course! Slaandjivaa!

Oh yes, and many happy returns to you, too, Mr. Hussein ...

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